How to help pkg-kde team
So, you would like to help us bringing the best KDE experience possible to Debian users? That sounds great! We present here some ways to get involved.
Meet us on IRC
First, you should join IRC channel #debian-qt-kde on This is the place where we meet and work on KDE-related packages in Debian. It is a good starting point: you'll be able to work on what you're interested on, discuss your ideas, fix bugs, etc.
Subscribe to mailing lists
You can also subscribe to some of our mailing lists:
- debian-qt-kde
- Discussion and coordination among maintainers of Debian's Qt, KDE and dependent or related packages.
- pkg-kde-extras
- List for the maintainers of stuff under pkg-kde/kde-extras. (Archives)
- pkg-kde-talk
- This list is a coordination channel for the upcoming KDE Packaging Team. (Archives)
Where to start?
You can start helping with bugs. This is a task that does not need a high commitment, basically when you have some time and want to contribute a bit, you can help us in this way. A couple of suggestions:
- Look at the bugs list of a package you use and try to help submitter or find out what is going wrong. For example, if you want to take a look to the kopete bugs, the url is: Replace kopete for the package you are interested in.
- Help with "Gift" bugs. These are bugs that would be nice to fix but we do not consider high priority, most of them are quite easy to do, but time consuming :(